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View of Arcadia from space.

Arcadia (アルカディア, arukadia) is the fictional main setting of Angelique trois and Neo Angelique. Its existence bridges the series' lore together, yet Ruby Party insists that it is mainly meant to be an easter egg. Fans can enjoy either continuity without playing the other.

Its name within either continuity means "utopia" (理想郷, risōkyō).

Role in Games[]

Arcadia, a continent from Tian Shi's timeline, faced danger from an evil force, resulting in the entrapment of its people's souls in a mist. Unable to save them, the Queen placed the continent and its inhabitants in a pocket dimension.

Once the evil was vanquished, the pocket dimension vanished, transforming Arcadia into a connection between the Sacred Bird Cosmos and the Sacred Beast Cosmos. It thrived as a hub for trade and entertainment, with its capital known as Celestia. Eventually, the Dragon race settled there as well.

However, over time, Arcadia lost its connection to the other realms and began drifting through space. It engaged in trade for technology but lacked stability without a Queen and protection. While some individuals possess knowledge of the ancient technology, most regard it as mere relics.

Society regressed, leaving behind its great achievements. Telephones were replaced by letters and newspapers, electricity by lanterns and fireplaces, and cars by wooden boats and horse carriages. Celestia, a once thriving city, is now gone. Woodon and Farlian have become the main cities for research and trade on the Arcadia continent. Jobs like reporters and doctors still exist, but rely on outdated methods and manual labor.

Thanatos plague the land in the Queen's absence. Common people have little means of protecting themselves from the monstrosities other than staying in large communities. Most Thanatos target lone travelers and/or tend to dwell in isolated locations. Physical contact with the creatures weakens many people and may result in severe fatigue or death. Purification Powers (浄化能力, jōka nōryoku), the mystical power to fight Thanatos without great injury, is a rare gift to a small minority. Those who have the power are dubbed "Purifiers" (浄化能力者, jōka nōryokusha) and may make a living dispatching Thanatos threats.

Yet Purifiers are outnumbered by two major factions on the main continent, the Artifact Foundation (アーティファクト財団, aatifakuto zaidan) and the Celestia Order (セレスティア教団, seresutia kyōdan). Their group names are commonly abbreviated as "The Foundation" (財団, zaidan) and "The Order" (教団, kyōdan) respectively. Both insist on dealing with the Thanatos threat on their terms, neither wishing to work together for the land's peace and welfare.

Researchers who are invested in Artifacts clamor to the universities in Woodon or Farlian. The most brilliant of minds are recruited into The Foundation's home in Farlian. They believe in objectifying the past, seeking to utilize and invent Artifacts for improving the future. Devout believers of the Queen and her legends, or pilgrims, find solace in the western holy city, Celestiazam. Its walls are protected by The Order's Silver Tree Knights (銀樹騎士団, ginju kishidan), a group of chosen Purifiers trained to protect the common folk. Residents of the holy city worship a silver tree —fabled to have once been the resting place of a great deity— and have faith that a Queen will someday bring them salvation.

Customs and Practices[]

During trois's time, Arcadia had no natural snowfall, but its people were aware of it. They believe that when a Queen moults feathers from her wings, her feathers fall to the ground below as snow. Before the start of winter each year, they pray and celebrate in her honor with the "Snow Prayer Festival" (雪祈祭, seki-sai). It is still celebrated by followers of the Celestia Order during Neo Angelique. White feathers are thrown from the rooftops of Celestiazam's chapel, and the holy city's bells ring for the Queen. It is considered good luck to make a wish while the feathers are being scattered.

Auroras have long been considered another blessing by the Queen, this time as a sign of eternal happiness. They would happen frequently with her presence, and the people acknowledge them through celebrating. On the nights they emerge, the people hold a "Night Wish Festival" (夜想祭, yasō-sai). People from all walks of life come together to share bread and pray to the night spectacle. This festival is popular with couples, as lovers frequently reunite under the aurora's glow. Auroras became rarer over time, so the festival is seldom practiced in Neo Angelique's setting.

Far east of the main Arcadia continent lies an isolated island called Sakia (サキア), a landmass which formed over time in the microcomos. Its capital is Kirise (キリセ), a place which relishes Mother Nature and is peppered with lush fields of viola. The people live in harmony and keep many of Arcadia's ancient legends alive in their teachings. Their traditions, culture, and fashion are similar to those found in medieval Eastern Asia. A few examples include practicing calligraphy on wall scrolls, creating Japanese or Chinese dishes, and using bamboo curtains for interior decorating. Sailors from Sakia occasionally trade goods at the eastern marketplaces of the main continent.

