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Blitz Gundam
Blitz Gundam (DWGR)
Mobile Suit Information
Series Appearance(s): Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Main Pilot(s): Nicol Amalfi
Height: 18.63 meters
Weight: 73.5 metric tons
Weapon(s): Piercer lock "Gleipnir"
Trikeros Offensive Shield System: 50mm High-energy beam rifle
Lancer Dart 3x
Beam Saber
First Appearance: Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn

GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam (GAT-X207 ブリッツガンダム), one of five G Weapons developed by the Earth Alliance and Mongenroete, was stolen during ZAFT's invasion of Heliopolis. It was equipped with the Mirage Colloid system, which blocks infra-red emission and bends light and radio waves. However, this interference renders the Phase Shift unusable until deactivated, consuming energy and making it a double-edged sword. The Blitz was ultimately destroyed when Nicol saved Athrun from the Strike's anti-ship sword.

Battle Data[]


Keys Square Normal Attack Tri Charge Attack Circle SP Attack X Dash/Boost Dash

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn[]

Square, Square, Square, Square: Three horizontal swipes from its beam saber, then an uppercut.
Triangle: Fires a shot from its beam rifle. Can fire up to five times.
Hold Triangle: Fires a lancer dart.
Square, Triangle: Fires its piercer lock to grab an enemy. If it connects, it will reel them in for an uppercut from the beam saber
Square, Square, Triangle: Beam saber thrust, followed by shooting its three lancer darts.
Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Swings its piercer lock by its cable and swings it around like a mace.
Circle: The piercer lock is launched, swinging like a mace, causing damage to enemies if connected to a mobile suit, and capturing enemies with each spin.
X, X: Activates Mirage Colloid, rendering the unit undetectable by enemies. Consumes boost gauge and cannot attack until it is deactivated.
Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Five horizontal and diagonal slashes.
Square, Triangle: Fires its piercer lock and pulls it back.
Circle: Spins its piercer lock at the ground, eventually creating a vortex after pulling it back and launchers three lancer darts.

Special Equipment[]

In the fourth title, all units use a Burst Mode rather than special passive equipment.

Burst Mode[]
  • Phase Shift Armor: Prevents flinching from attacks.


  • This is one of the few Gundam mobile suits to not be a Class 1 Mobile suit.

External Links[]
