Koei Wiki
Character Information
August 20
165 cm (5'5")
Father, grandmother
First Appearance: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 5

Okame (お亀) is a secondary character who meets the main party in Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 5. Kazahanaki reprises her role for a single character route.

She is tied to two minor characters, Otsuru (お鶴) and Sasuke (佐助).

Role in Games[]

Okame is a wealthy girl from the capital city of Kyoto. Her father owns a traditional Japanese restaurant. One day, she saw Ouchi in the streets and fell in love with him. She helps him by gathering information for him. Okame is very popular among Ouchi's groupies because of her business connections.

In the game, Okame follows rumors about Ouchi's whereabouts. Yuki meets her in the capital, but they don't become friends until they meet again in Shimonoseki. Okame complains about Ouchi's disappearance. She falls for Ernest's lie about being Ouchi's brother and leads the group to him. When Ouchi uses his demonic teleportation to give flowers to Yuki, he forgets that Okame is there. She gets scared when she finds out his true race and stays away from him.

Otsuru is Okame's servant who doesn't like Yuki. She becomes a spy for the shogunate to kill or stop Yuki because she thinks Yuki has bewitched Ouchi. Her plan fails and ruins negotiations for the Satchou Alliance. In repeated timelines, she gets imprisoned in Choushu's gaols.

Kazahanaki has Okame appear during Ouchi's personal route. She is visiting Edo to care for her ailing grandmother. One day, while she was resting at a tea shack with one of her father's acquaintances, she acquires a young and hopeful actor's attention. The young man is named Sasuke, and he fell in love with her at first sight. They shared a few words of greetings to know one another's names and their living quarters, learning that they live within the same block. Okame is flattered but not interested in him; Sasuke wants to woo her. Every day that she goes out in the streets, Sasuke tries to speak with her at least once in an attempt to gain her affections.

Yuki and company become aware of their relationship on the fifth day of this routine. The actor earns her ire when he unknowingly interrupts Okame's flirtations towards Ouchi. She shuts him out and walks away towards the docks; Yuki's guardians are impressed by Sasuke's persistence to be with her.

Some days later, Yuki and company are drawn to the sight of Sasuke being possessed by a haunted lion mask. His associates explain he was rehearsing for their play when he suddenly became deranged. Yuki wishes to save him without hurting him and is disarmed when a curious Okame walks into the scene. Sasuke's feelings for Okame causes the ghost to close on her. Yuki and Ouchi shield Okame from his attack, the latter being wounded by the mask. Okame regains her composure and shouts for the actor to get a hold of himself for the sake of the play. Her words pierce through and the mask drops from Sasuke.

After defeating the vengeful spirit, Sasuke thanks Yuki and apologizes for his lack of skill. He explains that the mask made him act that way because he didn't have much confidence. Okame realizes that Ouchi truly loves Yuki and decides to support him. She scolds Sasuke when he continues to blame himself for the mask incident. Sasuke is grateful for Okame's forgiveness and shares his dream of building a theater in Edo with her. When Yuki and the others return to the present, they see the ruins of the theater Sasuke built.

Later, Okame reads about the White Dragon Priestess in the town bulletin and decides to investigate. Yuki hears her but can't open the window. Okame confirms the news and rushes to get help. She finds the other guardians and takes them to Ouchi's house. When she sees that Yuki is safe, Okame leaves and promises not to tell the authorities.

Okame invites Yuki to have dinner with her and Sasuke before the final battle. She reveals that she and Sasuke are in a relationship and wanted to thank Yuki for bringing them together. Before they part ways, they mention that Sasuke is part of a traveling performance group and will be leaving Edo the next day. Okame wants to go with him since her grandmother is doing well. They wish their friends the best in their relationship.

Okame and Sasuke pay Yuki and Ouchi a visit during the demon's epilogue event. Yuki told them that Ouchi is writing a narrative and wish to hear it. When he mentions the possessed lion mask, Sasuke pales but requests for it to be adapted into a play so he can perform it. They leave after breakfast for their arranged meeting with the other traveling performers. The women confirm their newfound happiness with each other, each keeping their opinions to themselves.

Character Information[]


In the original game, Okame is a shallow person who judges others based on their looks. She thinks highly of herself because of her beauty and money, and expects everyone to respect her. Okame likes Ouchi but also enjoys compliments from other attractive people. She doesn't try to hide her jealousy and dislike for Yuki.

Kazahanaki keeps her pride but fleshes out her compassion for others. Her words are rough and direct, but her desire to help is highlighted. After Yuki saves her from the vengeful spirit, Okame is impressed by the girl's immediate response to her duty and unflinching courage. She feels to have misjudged her as a flighty virgin. As a show of renewed respect, Okame calls Yuki by name and worries for her.

Okame is initially irritated by Sasuke's uncertainty and tenacity, yet his faithfulness towards her gradually makes her happier than her passing fascination with Ouchi. Even as lovers, she still criticizes the actor's sloppiness to decorum and retorts his dream may never succeed. Her directions may sound strict, but Okame has a firm wish for her lover to gain confidence in himself. She hopes he can someday relish his accomplishments with the same pride she has for him.

Character Symbolism[]

Her symbolic color is tsutsuji-iro, a fiery pinkish shade inspired by the red azalea flowers. The color was popularly celebrated during the Heian period by aristocratic ladies who wore a robe using the shade for the summer months. Red azaleas represent the joy of love in the language of the flowers; the flowers commonly symbolize self-restraint.


  • "What's so great about this little girl anyway?"
  • "Well, at least someone around here has good taste."
  • "So, Mr. Dream Vendor, how about you and me go somewhere nice together?"
  • "By never change you meant my fabulous beauty, right?"
  • "Don't take it to heart. Men like to brag and make 'emselves look big."
  • "Never underestimate the power of a woman in love. I'm with you because I love you. Now and forever."
  • "Thank you very much for guiding us here."
"Stop drawing conclusions. Who said I did it for you?"
~~Yuki and Okame; Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 5
  • "Ah, Mr. Dream Vendor sure is a looker. It's a shame that beauty is wasted on ya."
"M-Miss Okame... That's so-"
"Sasuke, let it slide. Men everywhere gawk at sexy women. Why can't women do the same for sensational men?"
"I-I see. Then, I will do my best to be sexy for you."
"Stop. It ain't gonna happen with you, Sasuke."
"... But you're still the man I chose to be with. How 'bout showing me what you got a little later?"
"Oh, Miss Okame!"
~~Okame and Sasuke; Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 5 Kazahanaki

