Koei Wiki
Character Information
Allegiance(s): Areus
First Appearance: TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll

Selene (セレーネ) is one of the main characters in TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll. She is a character who is made primarily for the prequel, as she isn't mentioned in any previous lore of the Zill O'll series. Selene is the eldest character in the main party as she is 100 years old.

Role in Game[]

In the early days of the story, Selene's Darkenith tribe was visited by a mysterious arms merchant who used a powerful force on her sister, Stella, causing her to lose her sentience and merge with a monster called Proto-eclipse. Selene initially hunted the merchant to reverse Stella's transformation but failed. To free her sister, Selene became an adventurer, spying on Areus and Dagda and eventually joining the Dyneskal military. They pass the test and eventually find Selene deep within Fire Dragon Mountain. Selene confesses that the monster is her sister, and the men help her kill the monster. As the beast dies, Stella's spirit thanks her. Selene stays with her companions until the war ends, joining Areus in an alternate dimension to slay Balor. They bid each other farewell, despite not having any memories of Areus after Balor's death.

Character Information[]


Selene, unlike Areus, is open about her Darkenith identity and prides her heritage, despite humanity's hatred. Despite her forcefulness, she eventually builds trust with her comrades, and her loyalty and cold shoulder charm them.

Voice Actors[]

  • Amanda Wood - English voice
  • Misa Watanabe - Japanese voice


Soul Action Skills Auto Skills
Lunar Shadow

Fighting Style[]

Selene is the quick rogue-like character of the party. She attacks fast, moves fast, and is a combo fiend with her attacks. Her emphasis on speed sacrifices power and defense, however, so the player will need to avoid being hit when using her. The player might want to use her jumping abilities to cross certain breaks in the terrain or to reach hidden treasure scattered throughout dungeons in the game.

