Koei Wiki
Pei Yuanshao
Sangokushi 12~13 portrait
Character Information
Force(s): Yellow Turbans
Weapon Type: Spear
Unit Type: Warrior
Significant Battle(s):
First Appearance: Dynasty Warriors 2
Historical Information
Real name:
Péi Yuánshào
Chinese name:
裴元紹 - 裴元绍

Pei Yuanshao (onyomi: Hai Genshō) is a fictional member of the Yellow Turbans in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After the death of his comrades, he turned to a life of thievery by forming a group of bandits.

Before Dynasty Warriors 7, the overseas localization separated the last two Chinese characters in his full name before fixing it.

Role in Games

Throughout the Dynasty Warriors series, Pei Yuanshao has always been present in the Yellow Turban campaigns. In Dynasty Warriors 5, he is one of the officers the player must defeat in order to obtain the Fire Arrows.

His Romance of the Three Kingdoms incarnation suffers from poor stats. Even his redeeming trait, war, is mediocre at best.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

A former general of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Pei Yuanshao sought to sustain himself by leading a band of brigands. He once attempted to steal Red Hare only to surrender upon realizing that Guan Yu, who had left Cao Cao's service to reunite with Liu Bei, was the owner of this steed. As a way to appease him, he introduced Guan Yu to his fellow bandit Zhou Cang who would go on to become an officer of Shu. Later, Pei Yuanshao was killed in a duel against Zhao Yun when he tried to rob the latter's horse as well.

